Water purification information

Benefits of whole house water purification system

Views : 62436
Update time : 2021-10-29 14:40:03
With the increasing popularity of household health water, there is already a certain concept of "household water purification" in the minds of consumers. However, consumers' understanding of household water purification is more focused on kitchen water purification, and they still know very little about "whole house water purification".

The whole house central water purification is not only for the area of ​​kitchen water, but for the purification of the whole household water. Through the scientific and reasonable combination of different types of water treatment products, the whole house water purification provides different quality water sources according to different water needs within the whole house, that is, water supply of different quality. Compared with bottled purified water and direct drinking water in the community, whole house water purification has many significant and unique advantages.

From the economic point of view, it is more affordable; from the actual use experience point of view, it can bring consumers a more comprehensive water supply effect. If you use the whole house central water purification system, the water used in daily life, such as steaming rice, boiling nutritious soup, brewing tea, brewing coffee, bathing, washing clothes, washing dishes, mopping the floor, and watering flowers, is treated differently The different quality of water can maximize water saving and healthy water.
According to the water needs of different households, different water purification supporting products can be matched to enjoy the real high-end water life. For example, an ultrafiltration water purifier is installed in the kitchen to absorb residual chlorine in the water through activated carbon, which can enhance the taste of drinking water. Users who have the habit of drinking pure water can also choose to match with a pure water machine, so that you can drink directly without waiting for drinking. It can also be equipped with a water softener in the bathroom to remove calcium and magnesium ions from the water through the principle of ion exchange adsorption, reduce the hardness of the water, and make bathing and laundry more comfortable.

Advantages of whole house water purification system

The water flow is large, which can easily meet the water demand of the whole family for eating and bathing;

Green, energy-saving and environmental protection, no electric tigers are used during use, there is less waste water, and the discharged through water can mopping the ground and watering flowers, etc., without wasting water resources;

The AICKSN ultrafiltration filter element has a long service life and does not need to be replaced frequently. It saves money and hassle-free use. It effectively retains the minerals in the water and realizes healthy household water;

It can realize automatic sewage discharge and avoid the hidden danger of secondary pollution caused by dirty blockage;

Water supply of different quality provides a suitable source of purified water for the various water needs of the family.

Compared with household water purifiers, whole-house water purification systems can improve the water environment of the whole household, which is a home health project with far-reaching benefits. At present, Aicksn’s customized whole-house water purification service can customize a household water solution suitable for their own home. Ordinary families can also enjoy the high-end water purification life of a villa.
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